
9.30 – 10.20: Breakfast and Registration


10.20 – 11.40: Session 1 – Naming and Social Identity

Rachel Tod (Wolfson College Oxford)
Names as an expression of royal power: personal names given to English royal infants from the twelfth to the fourteenth century

Teresa Phipps (University of Swansea)
Naming women in medieval court records

Dave Postles (University of Hertfordshire)
Names and the presentation of self in early-modern local societies


11.40 – 12.00: Tea and Coffee


12.00 – 13.20: Session 2 – Naming and Re-naming

Kate Gibson (University of Sheffield)
In the name of the father: Illegitimacy and naming practices in long-eighteenth-century England

Sophie Coulombeau (University of Cardiff)
Name change by Royal Licence and Frances Burney’s Cecilia

David Andress (University of Portsmouth)
Naming and un-naming in the French Revolution


13.20 – 14.20: Lunch


14.20 – 15.40: Session 3 – Naming, place and community

Alice Harvey-Fishenden (University of Liverpool)
Learning about the past environment and landscape from field-names in Staffordshire

Alice Crook (University of Glasgow)
‘Named after Andrew Anderson, [lost at sea]’: commemorative naming in early modern Scotland

Rebecca Gregory (University of Nottingham)
Major evidence from minor names: one Nottinghamshire parish and its place in English history


15.40 – 16.00: Tea and Coffee


16.00 – 17.20: Session 4 – Anonymous, unnamed and unknown

Sara Uckelman (University of Durham)
Onomastics and big data: What can we Learn from massive cross-cultural onomastic corpora?

Luke Giraudet (University of York)
What’s in a name? Assessing the historiographical and terminological challenges facing an anonymous fifteenth-century French text, the so-called “Journal d’un Bourgeois de Paris”

Fraser Joyce (Oxford Brookes University)
The unknown dead are people too? Addressing nameless corpses in England, 1800-c1930


17.20 – 17.30: Short Break


17.30 – 18.30: Keynote Address

Richard Coates (University of the West of England)
Names as still points of the turning world: anchors, traditions and identities


18.30 – 19.15: Drinks Reception